YMS Agriculture is an international producer and trader of new effective agrochemical products; YMS Agriculture is a professional manufacturer specializing in stabilized nitrogen fertilizer ---urease inhibitor(NBPT) and nitrification inhibitor .

YMS Agriculture is a Canadian corporation, our manufacturing center is located in China, and our sales office is located in Toronto. We have several years experience in manufacturing NBPT and nitrification inhibitor, All products are already sold to major fertilizer companies in the US and Europe market.   

YMS Agriculture is committed to being a good corporate citizen and is prepared to meet the challenges of managing corporate citizenship throughout our diverse operations. The commitment begins with founders of YMS Agriculture company and extends to our entire team member - including our customers and partners.

YMS Agriculture is committed to the future; our mission is to do our part to help improve N use efficiency and effectiveness in crop production within world communities. By continually developing innovative technologies, we strive to create products that control nitrogen loss for higher yields and improve global environment.

© YMS Agriculture International Corporation   All rights reserved